I ran from the RCA studios in the V&A, across to the Science Museum for my morning coffee. The entrance was blocked by a battered heap of rusting, blackened metal. That night, on my small black and white TV, I learned it was the capsule that had taken men onto the surface of the moon!
That same TV introduced us to Star Trek and Dr Who, although for those of us brought up on Dan Dare and science fiction movies, the new language and awareness required no great leap of imagination.
In that positive mental climate, Eduardo Paolozzi, (who taught at the R.C.A.), held an inspirational exhibition at the V&A. He exploited the graphic, decorative and sculptural qualities of the hardware and the ‘human machine’.
I received a gift of my first toy robot soon after leaving college. They gradually proliferated, along with the rockets and space machines and inevitably found their way into my work.
I take delight in the best as sculpture and objets d’art and they continue to inform and serve as inspiration in my illustrations.